Index by author
June 20, 2020; Volume 92,Issue 1
Andersson, Daniel
- You have accessRestricted accessIndigenous Place-Names in (Post)colonial Contexts: The Case of Ubmeje in Northern SwedenDaniel AnderssonScandinavian Studies, June 2020, 92 (1) 104-126; DOI: AnderssonUmeå University
Brumo, John
- You have accessRestricted accessSongwriting: From Pop Music to Short Stories in Frode Grytten’s PopsongarJohn BrumoScandinavian Studies, June 2020, 92 (1) 80-103; DOI: BrumoNorwegian University of Science and Technology
Gindt, Dirk
- You have accessRestricted accessCurating and Performing Racism: Scenarios of Afrophobia in Contemporary SwedenDirk Gindt and John PotvinScandinavian Studies, June 2020, 92 (1) 1-38; DOI: GindtStockholm UniversityJohn PotvinConcordia University
Harmon, Bradley
- You have accessRestricted accessDaniel Brodén. Någonting har hänt: Roy Anderssons filmskapande och det moderna Sverige; Ursula Lindqvist. Roy Andersson’s Songs from the Second Floor: Contemplating the Art of ExistenceBradley HarmonScandinavian Studies, June 2020, 92 (1) 127-130; DOI: HarmonUniversity of Washington
Kjaerulff, Berit
- You have accessRestricted accessRomantic Regicide: Political Medievalism in Bournonville’s Erik Menveds BarndomBerit KjærulffScandinavian Studies, June 2020, 92 (1) 62-79; DOI: KjærulffAarhus University
Larsen, Mads
- You have accessRestricted accessPer Hellgren. Swedish Marxist Noir: The Dark Wave of Crime Writers and the Influence of Raymond ChandlerMads LarsenScandinavian Studies, June 2020, 92 (1) 134-137; DOI: LarsenUniversity of California, Los Angeles
Lundstrom, Catrin
- You have accessRestricted accessRikke Andreassen. Mediated Kinship: Gender, Race and Sexuality in Donor FamiliesCatrin LundströmScandinavian Studies, June 2020, 92 (1) 131-133; DOI: LundströmLinköping University
Potvin, John
- You have accessRestricted accessCurating and Performing Racism: Scenarios of Afrophobia in Contemporary SwedenDirk Gindt and John PotvinScandinavian Studies, June 2020, 92 (1) 1-38; DOI: GindtStockholm UniversityJohn PotvinConcordia University
Thaler, Peter
- You have accessRestricted accessE. I. Kouri and Jens E. Olesen, eds. The Cambridge History of Scandinavia. Vol. 2: 1520–1870Peter ThalerScandinavian Studies, June 2020, 92 (1) 137-139; DOI: ThalerUniversity of Southern Denmark
Werronen, Sheryl McDonald
- You have accessRestricted accessThe Working Practices of Magnús Ketilsson: An Icelandic Scribe at the End of the Seventeenth CenturySheryl McDonald WerronenScandinavian Studies, June 2020, 92 (1) 39-61; DOI: McDonald WerronenUniversity of Copenhagen
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