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- You have accessRestricted accessYoung Women and Disgust in Contemporary Norwegian Comics: A Close Reading of Ane Barstad Solvang’s Frykt & medlidenhetAdriana Margareta DancusScandinavian Studies, December 2022, 94 (4) 431-452; DOI: Margareta DancusUniversity of South-Eastern Norway
- You have accessRestricted accessPoetic Resistance: Girls’ Autograph Albums during World War II in NorwayAgnete NesseScandinavian Studies, December 2022, 94 (4) 454-474; DOI: NesseUniversity of Bergen
- You have accessRestricted accessEchoing Retorts in Hárbarðsljóð and LokasennaHarriet SoperScandinavian Studies, December 2022, 94 (4) 475-503; DOI: SoperUniversity of Oxford
- You have accessRestricted accessEthnogenesis and Stranger-Kings in Old Scandinavian LiteratureJonas WellendorfScandinavian Studies, December 2022, 94 (4) 504-529; DOI: WellendorfUniversity of California at Berkeley
- You have accessRestricted accessTropes Revisited: Evert Sprinchorn’s Ibsen’s Kingdom: The Man and His Works and Recent Historical Research in Ibsen StudiesEllen ReesScandinavian Studies, December 2022, 94 (4) 530-545; DOI: ReesCentre for Ibsen Studies, University of Oslo
- You have accessRestricted accessHenrik Ibsen and Conspiracy Thinking: The Case of Peer GyntGiuliano D’AmicoScandinavian Studies, September 2022, 94 (3) 281-315; DOI: D’AmicoUniversity of Oslo
- You have accessRestricted accessWhen a King of Norway Became a King of RussiaTransmission and Reception of Hrómundar saga Greipssonar in Scholarly Networks of Early Modern ScandinaviaKatarzyna Anna KapitanScandinavian Studies, September 2022, 94 (3) 316-351; DOI: Anna KapitanUniversity of Oxford
- You have accessRestricted accessSweden, Inc.: Temporal Sovereignty of the Realm and People from the Middle Ages to ModernityWojtek Jezierski, Sari Nauman, Thomas Lindkvist and Biörn TjällénScandinavian Studies, September 2022, 94 (3) 352-381; DOI: JezierskiStockholm University and University of OsloSari NaumanUniversity of Gothenburg and University of CopenhagenThomas LindkvistUniversity of GothenburgBiörn TjällénMid Sweden University
- You have accessRestricted accessStrindberg’s Representation of Anxiety in The Father: Between Naturalistic Determinism and Existential IndeterminismMarkus Floris ChristensenScandinavian Studies, September 2022, 94 (3) 261-280; DOI: Floris ChristensenEuropa-Universität Flensburg
- You have accessRestricted accessReadings in Times of Crisis: New Interpretations of Stories about the Settlement of IcelandStefka G. EriksenScandinavian Studies, June 2022, 94 (2) 143-173; DOI: G. EriksenNorwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research, Oslo